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Converge 2022

I’m so excited! The Bold Group, which I started to work for last year, is organising their annual conference in Disney’s Yacht Club resort in Orlando and I’m invited to speak. This is the first time since January 2020, that I get to visit the United States again.  I fly out on Saturday to have some relaxing time before the conference starts on Sunday evening. During my 8 hour flight to Philadelphia I start to read 'The Obstacle is The Way', by Ryan Holiday. It’s a book about how you can stop perceiving obstacles as being negative, but instead learn to see them as “ ...opportunities to test ourselves, to try new things, and, ultimately, to triumph. ” It turns out that this book would come in handy later today.  My flight to Philadelphia is uneventful and I’m happy with a comfortable 4 hour layover, before I’d hop on my connecting flight to Orlando. As I’m sitting at the bar, enjoying a tasty burger and a Stella Artois for only  11$ , I receive an e-mail informing me that my f
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Exploring roots

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Last Christmas one of my cousins asked: “ Who is joining our family on a ski trip? ” “ That would be me! ”, I replied. After confirming I wasn’t joking around we made arrangements. “ We always go to Alta Badia, in the northern part of Italy,”  my uncle explained. “ It is a beautiful area and we get along well with the owner of our pension.”  I’ve always said I would go on a ski trip one day, yet it was never a priority for me. Now this opportunity presented itself and I decided to take it.  Our group counts eight people: my uncle and aunt, their three children, two partners and myself. It’s about a ten hour drive from Den Bosch to the town of San Cassiano, the town where we are staying. Anna, Vera (two cousins) and Callum (Vera’s boyfriend) join me in my car. Plenty of time to catch up and to get to know Callum better. A couple of conversations, a podcast, some music and sandwiches later, we arrive at our destination where the rest of our group is awaiting us.  “What took you